How do I choose the right hypoallergenic dog food?

03 August 2023
5 min. leestijd

Does your dog also suffer from food allergies, but you don’t know which hypoallergenic food is most suitable for your dog? Fortunately, there are several ways to deal with these food allergies. In most cases, hypoallergenic dog kibble is the best solution. In this blog, we explain which hypoallergenic kibble is suitable for your dog and which ingredients it does or does not contain. Keep reading to discover everything you need to consider to help your dog with his skin, coat, and digestive issues.

What is hypoallergenic dog food?

Hypoallergenic dog food is specially formulated for dogs that are sensitive to certain nutrients. The purpose of this food is to reduce allergic reactions in dogs that are sensitive to them.

Why can hypoallergenic dog food be beneficial for dogs with allergies?

Hypoallergenic dog food can help reduce symptoms such as itching, red skin, loose stool, or similar issues. These symptoms could indicate a food allergy. A hypoallergenic diet that contains only one source of protein could significantly reduce or eliminate allergic reactions.

Tips for choosing hypoallergenic dog food

Below, we provide you with some tips to consider when choosing the suitable hypoallergenic kibble. This way, you can make the best choices to help your dog with his problems.

Consult advice from a veterinarian

First and foremost, it is advisable to contact your trusted veterinarian. They can conduct some tests to determine whether it is a food allergy or an environmental allergy. Afterward, they can further investigate specific food allergies.

Avoid ingredients that commonly cause allergic reactions, such as grains and some proteins

With a hypoallergenic diet, you can also eliminate ingredients such as chicken, beef, grains, and others from the food. These are common allergens. In many cases, these problems are already resolved by excluding these ingredients from the diet.

Choose hypoallergenic dog food with high-quality ingredients

If you want to give your dog hypoallergenic kibble, it’s essential that they are made from a single protein source. Salmon is an ingredient with very few known allergies and is, therefore, an excellent hypoallergenic kibble. The same applies to kibble with duck.

Check the label and packaging for important information

If there are already known allergies, it is essential to check the packaging. You can verify whether there are no ingredients that could cause an allergic reaction.

Choose a reliable brand

For hypoallergenic food, it’s best to look for a reliable brand. Below is the link where you can find all the necessary information about our hypoallergenic formulas and their benefits.

Which ingredients should you, as a pet owner, avoid?

Below is a list of ingredients that commonly cause food allergies. As a pet owner with a sensitive dog, it’s best to avoid these.

Grains and gluten

Grains and gluten are common food allergies and are often less digestible. This can disrupt the digestive system, which may cause loose stool in your dog. If your dog already has sensitive intestines, it’s best to avoid grains and gluten in the food.

Beef, chicken, and other common protein sources

Animal protein sources like chicken and beef are well-known food allergens in dogs. These ingredients are often the cause of coat and digestive problems in your dog, so it’s best to keep them away from your dog.

Artificial colorings and flavorings

It’s also best to avoid artificial colorings and flavorings in your dog’s food. These can sometimes have negative effects on your dog’s health.

Preservatives and additives

It’s also not recommended to give kibble with various additives that keep the kibble fresh for as long as possible. These can also cause disruptions in the digestive system. Therefore, it’s always advisable to buy as natural and fresh as possible.

Dierenarts Joy has some tips for choosing the right food for your dog!

Want to know more about hypoallergenic dog food? Read one of these blogs!

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