Experience extra convenience thanks to the Just Russel app

Already 6 486 002 meals delivered!
The Just Russel app: in control anytime, anywhere

View your ingredients

Order extras at a discount

Check your portion size

Flexible pausing and postponing

Save money
Start your journey through our app

Tell us what we need to know about your dog
Such as his age, race, allergies and activity level.

Our vets are doing their thing
…and come up with a power recipe for your dog or cat.

Get free home delivery
That’s cheap and easy 🙂 .
Frequently asked questions about our app
You don’t have to download an app, the application is available as a web application by clicking here. It’s mobile friendly.
The app and service at Just Russel are completely free.
If your Just Russel app is not working, we recommend checking if your internet connection is stable. It is also easier to make adjustments via your computer. If you still have problems, contact Just Russel support for further help. We are constantly trying to improve our app.
10,889 healthy pets already thanks to a personalized feeding plan